




夏威夷大學的研究人員和南加州大學意識到先前的研究表明高血糖濃度與胰腺癌的風險。,有人提出很高的血糖負荷,消費的食物後血糖反應,也可能是一個危險因素。數據支持這個,然而,說“稀缺和不一致”。在事件他們實際上並沒有找到證據來支持他們的hyptopthesis血糖負荷和癌症風險,勞倫斯Kolonel和團隊確實發現一些與蔗糖和果糖攝入量。這項研究可能更重視食品和飲料的趨勢較低的糖(蔗糖)的內容。同時,果糖是一種天然甜味劑,也被稱為水果糖和果糖。食物成分協會試圖鼓勵分化果糖和高果糖玉米糖漿(HFCS),後者是經常用作甜味劑的飲料產品,由55%的果糖和42%的葡萄糖。氫氟碳化合物已經被一些人士批評發揮作用在增加肥胖;然而行業協會像玉米加工協會一再聲稱沒有科學證據表明,高果糖玉米糖漿是唯一負責的人變得肥胖。研究人員分析了162150年的食品消費數據的參與者Hawaii-Los洛杉磯多隊列研究。在基線,每個參與者填寫定量食物頻率問卷調查。他們隨後在8年,在此期間434人發展了胰腺癌。團隊研究了消費數據膳食碳水化合物,蔗糖,果糖,總糖和添加糖。 In fact, they found that glycemic load and added sugars were not significantly associated with cancer risk - thus casting doubt on their original hypothesis. But a significant association was seen with fructose when the highest and lowest quintiles were compared (1.35; 95% CI: 1.02, 1.80; P for trend = 0.046). Interestingly, a significant association was found with fruit and fruit juice intake, but not with soda intake (1.37; 1.02, 1.84; P for trend = 0.04). In the past, high-calorie soda and soft drinks have come under fire for their purported contribution to overweight and obesity. Major soft drink manufacturers have been shifting more towards health and functional offerings in their product mix. When it came to statistical evidence for a connection between body mass index (the common measure for under-, normal-, over-weight and obesity, measured in kg per m2), a link was only seen for sucrose intake (P=0.04). Moreover, a greater risk was seen in overweight and obese patients who ate a lot of sucrose, but the association was not significant in participants whose weight fell within the normal bracket.“高果糖和蔗糖攝入量可能在胰腺癌病因中發揮作用,”研究人員得出結論。“條件如超重或肥胖,可能存在一定程度的胰島素抵抗可能也很重要。”盡管這類隊列研究是很有趣的,因為他們可以顯示有趣的領域未來的調查,食物頻率問卷確實有它的局限性,因為它依賴於個人報告自己消費的食品。參考:美國臨床營養學雜誌》86卷,5號,1495 - 1501年,2007年11月標題:“膳食血糖負荷,糖和碳水化合物作為胰腺癌的危險因素:多隊列研究”。作者:Ute Nothlings,蘇珊墨菲,林恩主教練威爾肯斯,布萊恩·亨德森和勞倫斯·Kolonel。

