



顯然已經成為醫療方法是不夠的在這場戰役中,艾滋病毒/艾滋病和營養不良是相交的流行病。的食品,藥品的概念應該是常識,但不幸的是,在政策層麵上,它扮演了二流的藥品。全球政策主要集中在獲得反逆轉錄病毒治療那些已經經受不起折磨的人群。然而,消息,這些同樣的藥物是無效的,如果不加上營養支持越來越響亮。有機會成分或大或小的公司做好自己的角色,也許防止我們這一代人在曆史一樣看著,沒有貧窮世界沉沒的一半。在一份聲明中在去年的世界艾滋病日,這位前世界糧食計劃署(WFP)的執行主任,詹姆斯•莫裏斯將資助反逆轉錄病毒藥物也沒有資金食物和營養,支付一大筆錢來修複汽車不付汽油需要運行它。同樣,身體需要營養的燃料來修複自己。在《華爾街日報》一項研究在2006年發表的艾滋病毒藥物(佩頓、鎳等)。,發現營養不良的病人開始新的抗逆轉錄病毒療法比患者更有可能死六倍適當的滋養。研究人員跟蹤調查了394名患者在一個HIV轉診中心在新加坡為2.4年。幾乎深不可測的,那些受影響的數量——主要在撒哈拉以南非洲和印度現在對發達國家幫助解決一個巨大的任務。——根據聯合國艾滋病規劃署的數據——2007年大約3320萬人估計艾滋病毒感染者,估計有250萬人新感染,而大約有210萬人死於艾滋病。錢已經湧入,但那些在受影響區域工作接近地麵的說還不夠,經濟下滑,失去了發展的連鎖效應將為子孫後代感到整個世界。食品和營養是必不可少的基礎對重建這些地區肆虐的疾病。2006年第十六屆國際艾滋病會議上發表講話時,斯蒂芬·劉易斯,前聯合國秘書長特使艾滋病毒/艾滋病在非洲——表示,協會基層工作與疾病不斷尋求食物,但感到被遺棄的機構。他強調,那些生活在貧困地區總是餓,但治療時,他們需要的營養比以往更加迫切。好消息是全球抗擊病毒的營養成分是迄今為止最便宜,使當前的不足更加不可原諒的。3.8至640萬人需要或需要與營養援助在2006年到2008年期間,據世界糧食計劃署和聯合國艾滋病規劃署。 At $1.1bn, the cost for bringing this nutritional support represents a mere two percent of the total $55bn UNAIDS estimates is needed to address the needs of the epidemic. The driving force of morality aside, for industry, there could be commercial and marketing payoffs as well in helping take on the AIDS epidemic. Nutritional ingredients firm DSM, for instance, undertakes such assistance as part of its sustainability platform - one which could boost its profile with ethically-motivated consumers. In March, the Dutch company formed an official partnership with WFP. Through its Nutrition Improvement Program (NIP), DSM provides technical and scientific support for supplementation programs, as well as for the fortification of staple foods with vitamins and minerals. For example, it devised the 'nutritious rice kernel' - through patented technology - which is a highly fortified version of a normal grain of rice. Partnerships like this one could prolong lives, keep family breadwinners alive, and thereby increase their children's chance of survival. Furthermore, companies specializing in infant nutrition could play a particularly crucial role given that HIV-infected mothers can greatly decrease the chances of transmitting the disease to their babies by not breastfeeding. By collectively chiseling away at this problem, food companies - in collaboration with organizations working on the ground - have the potential to eliminate one of the key obstacles blocking millions their right to effective treatment.她Douaud記者與NutraIngredients-USA.com和有生活和工作在加拿大,愛爾蘭、阿根廷和法國。如果你想評論,發送電子郵件到:她。douaud‘@’decisionnews.com

