




卡夫在一份聲明中說,這是一個不尋常的一步為公司應對謠言,“但由於這些報告來同時宣布卡夫打算訪問債務資本市場,我們可以證實,我們不是正在談判收購巴西食品製造商Perdigao。”The story first started circulating three days ago, after local Brazilian newspaper Valor Economico said that the two companies were holding "amicable" talks. According to the paper, Perdigao's controlling shareholders, which include several Brazilian state-run pension funds, were particularly keen to strike a deal with Kraft. Perdigao is currently one of the largest food companies in Latin America, with estimated gross revenues of 7.2 billion Reals (€2.75bn). Its core business is refrigerated and frozen products, with production focused on poultry and hog slaughter, the processing of poultry and hog derivatives. While Kraft does sell some meat products or products containing meat, such as Oscar MayerBacon and DiGiorno pizzas with pepperoni, the company is better known for ready meals, processed foods and bakery and snack products. This year, however, the company has both acquired new businesses and offloaded underperforming divisions, after activist investor Nelson Peltz bought a 3 per cent stake in the company. Peltz, who heads Trian, a US-based hedge fund, is renowned in finance as an advocate for change, and has already made changes at Heinz, where he now sits on the board, and at confectionery company Cadbury. Last month, Kraft announced it will demerge Post Cereal brand to Ralcorp Holdings for $2.6bn of stock and cash,作為一個分拆或分離事務。交易的股東將獲得價值16億美元的股票在Ralcorp,給他們Ralcorp控股54%,私人標簽和冷凍烘焙公司,明年一旦完成交易。該公司上周表示,也完成了多談論收購達能的麵包店,此舉是歐盟委員會(European Commission)批準後在11月。以及品牌,如Tuc,該公司還可以訪問世界各地的新興市場。“我們的業務將在快速增長的近兩倍中國市場。”國際經理桑傑斯拉說。“我們將立足在這兩種印尼馬來西亞對快速擴張,在俄羅斯分布,我們的力量,再加上達能的品牌,會給我們一個更強的存在。”
