




威特食品工業氣體分析器是用於修改大氣包裝(MAP),保證易腐食品保持新鮮和有吸引力。地圖取代了正常的氣氛在包指定的混合氣體,主要成分是氧,二氧化碳和氮氣。修改後的氣氛在包有助於防止微生物有機體的生長和生化反應和隨之產生的貨物損壞。地圖是一個可靠的和成本有效的替代製冷或防腐劑。包裝的技術是越來越受歡迎的公司需要保持新鮮食品的質量如三明治、新鮮披薩和肉類。威特天然氣技術聲稱新的新的MAPY 4.0係統可以存儲成千上萬的測量,產品參數和數據使用SD,或者安全的數字記憶卡。信息顯示了包的氣體平衡的角度,彩色觸摸屏。氣體的比例目前顯示在一個條形圖。如果氣體含量在一定範圍內的酒吧是綠色,如果限製已經超過了酒吧是紅色的,解釋了威特氣體。這些信息可以被下載到電腦或USB記憶棒進行進一步檢查。 According to Witt Gas, the MAPY 4.0 system is ideal for intermediate sampling using a needle after the product has been packaged, however, with a different housing it can also be accommodated on the packaging lines and used for random sampling. The system is mains operated, and can analyse both O2 and CO2 gases, the company said. The MAPY 4.0 can also be supplied with an easy to replace Zirconia O2 sensor, which enables the analyser to work quicker and even more efficiently. Witt Gas can also provide the option of a barcode reader for easy identification of products and an integrated printer for instant readable data, the company said. Witt Gas Techniques Limited is a medium sized family owned enterprise with partners and customers in over 60 countries. In addition to gas analysers the company provides specific devices and systems for the mixing and metering of gases for packing machines used in the food industry. The company claims to be the world leading manufacturer of gas blending systems for MAP.
