




據《費加羅報》超市巨頭采取此舉的回應客戶的問題。勒克萊爾認為這項措施”開創性的”。此前宣布政府計劃上個月對抗兒童肥胖症,和據說是直接響應活動及其目標減少發胖的零食和食品銷售的數量在孩子旁邊結賬櫃台。在法國政府網站證實,14.3%的兒童被認為是超重,3.5%的人肥胖。這些代表了歐洲最低的稅率(與瑞典和荷蘭),但認為過高相關的健康問題,比如糖尿病。2月份衛生部長Roselyne Bachelot提出了三個新措施來幫助減少兒童肥胖。其中之一糖果和含糖產品撤出超市結帳櫃台到今年6月底。利益相關者會議呼籲同意前進。勒克萊爾目標是由6月1日撤回其選擇的品牌。他們將搬回主糖果過道。有關糖果主要包括費列羅、友善和Haribo品牌。 Le Figaro confirms that they will probably be replaced by treats without sugar, mostly for adults. TFI quotes Michel-Edouard Leclerc, the supermarket chain's President, as saying that the supermarket sells 18.5 per cent of confectionery sold in supermarkets in France. With products near the checkouts comprising 20 per cent of these sales, Leclerc predicts that the supermarket chain will loose about €5m a year by this change, the news channel said. However, a Leclerc spokesperson did not respond to ConfectioneryNews.com in time for publication. Ferrero, Kinder and Haribo all refused to comment. Leclerc has angered some industry players by acting unilaterally. The president of the Association nationale des industries alimentaires (national association of food industries) is calling for a common position agreed by manufacturers, retailers and the government. Le Figaro quotes Jérôme Bédier, president of the Fédération des entreprises du commerce et de la distribution (federation of commercial businesses and retailers) as saying that he wasn't sure children would eat less sweets and chocolate if they are removed from beside the checkouts. Another element of the national anti-obesity plan is the suppression of publicity for certain sugary foods and drinks during young people's media programmes. A survey conducted by the Health ministry showed that that nearly half of children would like to consume publicised products and 91 per cent of children said they managed to get their parents to buy them. If stakeholders cannot agree and abide by a solution the government is prepared to legislate to achieve this goal. The plan also demands that by September 2008 the quality of school meals is improved without excessive cost and meals are planned well in advance.


