




大約4%的人患有食物過敏,導致平均每年30人死亡在英國和美國的150人死亡。那些人,把他們的信任和生活在食品生產商手中,值得所有的事實。同時,迅速開花部門依靠維護這些核心客戶的信任。“擺脫”市場自2000年以來增長了300%以上,據Mintel。這個市場完全是建立在能夠攜帶“擺脫”的標簽,但基礎是岩石由於缺乏足夠的監管。一個錯誤,一個錯誤的說法,可以粉碎一個家庭和降低的公司暴跌,同時使該行業陷入一片混亂。雖然我不希望把泥漿的利基領域的行業,很好地提供安全食品的飲食問題,現在的難題是沒有實際立法確定一個國際公認的閾值對製造商宣布“脫離”幾乎所有的過敏原。公司必須證明他們聲稱通過引入適當的風險評估和過敏原控製係統和支持它與蛋白質測試。但是科學測試開發。技術,幾年前就會得出一個產品是免費的從一個過敏原現在可以找到微量——甚至痕跡,被廣泛認為對過敏症患者沒有威脅,但足夠,盡管如此,問題聲明“擺脫”的合法性。 Work has begun concerning some allergens. Codex, which establishes food standards on behalf of the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation and WHO, is on the cusp of approving an accepted threshold for gluten in 'gluten free' products. Current discussions suggest the limit will be settled at 20 parts per million (ppm) - a level that is considered to pose no risk to allergy sufferers. Across the industry, 'free from' does not necessarily mean 100 per cent free from said allergen or additive. When the issue is such a grave one, surely clear and comprehensive advice should be presented for consumers and manufacturers alike. An accepted level that poses no risk should be agreed on for each allergen in turn, and regulation developed to support it. The Anaphylaxis Campaign expresses concern about the phrase 'free from' and is in the process of introducing a logo to shows the manufacturer has met standards to ensure every care has been taken to prevent the particular allergen appearing in the product. It says most people accept the fact an unconditional guarantee cannot be made on a product being 100 per cent allergen-free. But those who wish not to risk even miniscule amounts should be provided with the facts. Ultimately, the decision should be left to the consumer on the level of risk to take.英國糖果公司Kinnerton最近改變了從“螺母自由貿易區”標簽“Kinnerton螺母安全承諾”,因為它不希望風險反彈應該科學發展意味著找到一絲螺母。它說,隨著消費者說出“擺脫”作為一個絕對的聲明,它不希望保證零ppm隨著科學測試變得更加嚴格,但給消費者一個明確的事實。作為一個公司致力於為螺母患者提供食品安全,值得保護和監管機構的指導。但是可能微乎其微的痕跡或過敏原的導納對患者來說意味著什麼?冒著生命危險的恐懼他們每次吃或喝任何東西嗎?嚴重限製他們所吃的食物嗎?或安全的知識他們麵對所有的事實和部門已經收到了完整的監管和應有的重視。是時候決定在所有方麵。是否通過改變“自由”一詞或語句的透明度增加,公眾和行業應該知道界限在哪裏選擇吃什麼,然而小數量,是消費者的手中勞拉·克羅利是個商業記者專門從事食品行業,新聞學碩士。如果你想要評論這篇文章,請電郵laura.crowley特'decisionnews.com。
