根據丹尼斯克,低溫擠壓導致細結構,可以更好的口感,濃鬱的口感比以前是不可能的。它通過冷凍產品降至-12到-15度(比通常的冰點溫度約7)。這將導致更好的空氣分布,小冰晶,和一個更好的,流暢的紋理。適當的質地和口感是特別難以實現低脂冷凍甜點,所以這將是試驗設備的主要用途。即使冰淇淋產品定位在一個更健康的平台上他們仍然有放縱的緩存,和消費者不想感覺他們是影響治療。芬蘭人Hjort克裏斯坦森、組經理,冰淇淋應用程序Dansico Braband,告訴FoodNavigator.com,該公司已投資於技術以來,越來越多的冰淇淋製造商正在使用它的生產規模。冰淇淋行業作為主要原料供應商,丹尼斯克確認需要測試它的乳化劑和穩定器係統,Cremodan品牌進行銷售,其客戶使用相同的技術。除了低脂產品的好處,克裏斯滕森說,使用低溫擠壓方法可以允許減少高成本商品的成分。乳製品成分等大宗商品和植物油中發揮作用提供產品正確的紋理,但是製造商可以減少依賴他們如果紋理是由其他方式提供的。Christensen說,製造商考慮投資於技術本身也可以使用丹尼斯克的實驗版本進行測試。 There has already been considerable interest in using the pilot technology, not only from customers in Europe but also from Asia. The equipment is located in Danisco's testing laboratory in Braband, and cost the company between DKK800,000 and 900,000 (c €120,000), including installation. Major players like Nestle and Unilever are understood to have been using low temperature extrusion systems for some time already. Nestle has even translated the innovation for consumer recognition, calling products made this way 'Slow Churned' ice cream, and selling them under its Dreyer's brand. As for Danisco, it prides itself on being able to identify trends in finished food and beverage products ahead of the game, so it can work on ways to help its customers work on appropriate products. Every month, it comes up with a new ice cream concept that it believes fits with consumer demands. This month's concept takes the healthier eating idea a step further: probiotic and prebiotic yoghurt that contains Danisco's Howaru Rhamnosus bacteria, claimed to provide a boost for the immune system, and Litesse, a prebiotic low calories, low-glycaemic carbohydrate.