




要求更多的環保產品製造商不得不重新考慮他們的傳播策略和開發產品,從而滿足消費者對綠色產品的興趣。這導致了數量急劇上升的產品環保要求在過去五年。全球的趨勢是明確的。2002年,敏特公司的全球數據庫記錄隻有五個環保產品發布在所有行業的行業。2007年、328年新產品這一說法,表示每增加200%,與2006年相比。消費者在某些領域特別尋找的首選,包括家庭紙製品(66%)和節能電器(48%)。GNPD全球結果表明,57%的消費者尋找環保在購買食品時,已迫使該行業關注環保產品的開發。在歐洲,161年飲料行業的新產品聲稱是“環保”或“環保包裝”在2007年,相比之下,隻有10在2006年GNPD上市產品的數據庫。驚人的363新食品在歐洲上市GNPD進行這兩個聲稱在2007年,而2006年隻有37個產品。雖然沒有標準的定義,這些術語,結果證明“消費者比以往任何時候都更想購買商品,幫助保護和保護周圍的世界”,根據Mintel。 For 'environmentally-friendly product" claims, GNPD lists all products that claim on their packaging that the product has some benefit to the environment. However, Mintel explained that different manufacturers will define this differently. The second claim 'environmentally-friendly-friendly packaging' is more straight-forward and includes bio-degradable or recyclable packaging. Globally, Mintel observed that consumers are increasingly looking for products that are not necessarily 'organic' or 'natural' but address other environmental concerns. It could be products by companies that support major health associations. This has forced companies to pay special attention to how their image is perceived and redesign their communication campaign. To respond to the consumers' interest in green products, a large number of companies have taken the opportunity to associate new environmentally-friendly packaging with a new brand image. H J Heinz, for instance, has recently announced that it had put its Heinz Tomato Ketchup in a lightweight recyclable PET bottle. At the end of last year, Innocent also put 100 per cent recycled PET packaging on shelf which, according to the firm also use 20 per cent less plastic overall than Innocent's original packaging. Both companies signed up to the Courtauld Commitment, which pledges to deliver absolute reductions in packaging by 2010. This has led to a big shake up in the supply of and demand for food-grade recycled PET. A rise in the demand for PET bottles, particularly in Europe, for fruit juice, nectar and non-carbonated drinks, is expected.
