



歐盟委員會(European Commission)標識6 7食物警報

黃曲黴毒素、真菌毒素和沙門氏菌困擾歐洲食品供應,上周的數據顯示歐洲的食品和飼料快速預警係統(RASFF)。RASFF,歐洲工具食物鏈的風險降到最低,報道上周五食物警報通知會員國。發出警報通知,委員會成員國,觸發當食物,或飼料,嚴重威脅到消費者市場上是可用的。上周,官方控製的市場後,捷克共和國通知委員會,它已發現黃曲黴毒素在地麵從玻利維亞巴西堅果。黃曲黴毒素是高度有毒物質自然形成的真菌黃曲黴食品,特別是堅果和幹果的生長在溫暖潮濕的環境。他們在動物,被證明是致癌的黃曲黴毒素B1,最有毒的,是歸類為人類致癌物和誘變。黃曲黴毒素是一個問題,近年來受到越來越多的關注。去年歐洲委員會要求歐洲食品安全管理局檢查潛在的可能性增加消費者的健康風險如果更高水平的黃曲黴毒素被允許為杏仁、榛子、開心果。歐洲食品安全署的科學專家指出,有必要防止黃曲黴毒素暴露食物來源可合理達到的降低曝光低的來源主要貢獻者總膳食暴露於黃曲黴毒素。各種研究的實踐,可以控製汙染之前和之後的收獲與農民一起進行。研究人員推動汙染風險分析係統的概念,基於“從農場到餐桌”的概念,在每一個階段的生產鏈條。進一步提醒RASFF上周報道揭示羅馬尼亞發現黴菌毒素的存在deoxynivalenol玉米片從波蘭。食品中真菌毒素是由真菌汙染物,可以基因毒性致癌物。自古以來這些物質,由模具產生汙染和種植食物,造成疾病。 But they rest a modern day problem that the food industry must tackle on a daily basis. RASFF also reported on the presence of the prohibited substance nitrofuran (metabolite) nitrofurazone in honey dispatched from Hungary and detected by an official control in Lativa. Further, salmonella Bredeney was detected (presence in 2/5 samples /25g) in ground black pepper from the Slovak Republic. In addition to alerts, the RASFF receives information notifications concerning a food, or feed, placed on the market for which a risk has been identified, but for which the other members of the network do not have to take immediate action, because the product has not reached their market, or is no longer present on their market, or because the nature of the risk does not require any immediate action. Last week 18 information notifications were recorded by RASFF and include: Listeria monocytogenes in skinned juniper-smoked trout fillets from Turkey; a 'too high content' of sweetener E952 - cyclamate in raspberry flavour instant drinking powder; red kidney bans 'infested with moulds'; and several notifications from Austria following the discovery of sharp fragments in mineral crystals for vitalising drinking water from Austria. Each year the RASFF publishes a round-up of the year's alerts. In 2006 the Commission said that tougher measures against illegal dyes and a more harmonised criteria for detecting pathogens had led to a 5 per cent drop in EU food safety alerts. EU national regulators sent 6,840 notifications across the bloc of food and feeds found to be unsafe during 2006, a 5 per cent drop compared to 2005, according to an annual report on how the system is working. EU health commissioner Markos Kyprianou claimed at the time that the statistics show border controls are working effectively to prevent unsafe food products from entering the EU's borders.“歐洲的食品和飼料快速預警係統中起著重要的作用,確保高水平的食品安全對於歐盟公民,”他說。“它讓我們停止食品安全危機在他們開始之前,在早期發現問題,從而最小化潛在的健康威脅。”






加州杏仁董事會提供的內容| 14 - 4月- 2023 |白皮書




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