




2008年3月,價格達到了20個月高位15.21美分/磅,月底之前,報告說。每磅13.20美分的平均價格在4月比3月平均價格低5%,但比去年同期高出29%。糖果已經找到了大宗商品價格的上漲難以適應。芬蘭的公司Cloetta這條,在波羅的海地區最大的糖果之一,今年4月確認1月到3月之間的利潤下降反映了大宗商品價格上漲。市場基本麵糧農組織報告說,國際糖價明顯脫節,市場基本麵說明了影響糖市場以外的因素如能源價格上漲。但市場可能收緊給定一個預期的產量下降了2008/09,報告持續。生產預計2007/08世界糖生產2007/08已達168噸;上個賽季2噸以上,根據聯合國糧農組織的報告。生產預計將超過消費達9.8噸,為全球庫存的建立。發展中國家將負責大量的產出增長,以巴西為首,這可能產生超過6.6%的2006/07。但是大約56%的巴西的甘蔗收割可以加工成乙醇,相比之下,50%在2006/07。在歐洲歐洲糖產量在歐盟27小幅上漲2007/08 17.4噸,在有利的生長條件,提高了產量。歐盟希望減產6噸糖超過四年的重組計劃。 EU agriculture commissioner Fishcer Boel said earlier this month that 5.65m tonnes out of the 6m target had now been given up. Production in the Russian Federation and Ukraine is also expected to decline, according to the report. Consumption Global sugar consumption in 2007/08 is estimated to reach 158.2m tonnes; 4.2m tonnes more than in 2006/07 reflecting increases in Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. Rising consumption is being driven partly by rising per capita income and population growth in developing countries. In China, consumption will be boosted by rising per capita income, strong demand from the food and beverage sectors and weaker competition from alternative sweetners. Consumption in the EU-27 is forecast to remain stable since markets are saturated and population growth is limited, said the report. In the US there is expected to be a greater use of sugar in food and beverage processing. Trade World sugar trade is forecast to reach 45.6m tonnes in 2007/08 (Oct/Sept) slightly lower than the 2006/07 trade estimate, reflecting lower imports by some countries including China. There were reduced imports following higher production in the traditional importing countries. Overall, imports by the EU-27 could reach 3.2m tonnes in 2007/08, nearly the same level as in 2006/07 by the EU-25. Export availability is expected to rise slightly in 2007/08 after a strong 16.3 per cent growth in 2006/07. However, Brazil, the world's largest exporter, may cut shipments by 3.2 per cent reflecting tighter competition in world markets since the return of India as a net-sugar exporter.

