




據當地媒體報道,位於巴塞羅那的卡夫伊比利亞餅幹公司(KBI)將負責卡夫在這兩個國家的餅幹業務。去年,法國食品公司達能集團(Groupe Danone)同意以53億歐元現金將其全球餅幹業務出售給卡夫。此次收購包括32家製造工廠和約14000名員工。但該交易的審批還需符合歐盟委員會(European Commission)的監管要求。歐盟委員會發現,這筆交易將“顯著”減少西班牙甜餅幹市場的競爭,因為卡夫和達能都在該市場占有重要地位。美國卡夫公司同意剝離其西班牙餅幹品牌,包括其在西班牙的Artiach餅幹業務,轉讓給巴塞羅那的麵包店Panrico。與此同時,英國廣播公司報道,法拉利在南威爾士的一家麵包店關閉後,350個工作崗位的前景越來越令人擔憂。工會官員表示,工廠關閉導致南威爾士附近的法拉利門店關閉。法拉利的麵包是由Cynon Valley的Best Bakeries提供的,這家麵包店已經關門,失去了40個工作崗位。上周,隨著這家麵包師進入破產管理程序,又有50人失業。 According to reports, the rising cost of basic food ingredients was a key factor contributing to challenging financial problems for Best Bakeries. Costs continue to dominate the news headlines both inside and outside of the food industry. From the UN's food programme to the World Bank, governments, industries and consumers are all trying to get to grips with the soaring costs today associated with basic food staples. Bread, a key indicator of food price inflation, is intimately linked to the cost of wheat, which has soared in recent months. While £85 (€107) per tonne for wheat seemed like a startling figure four years ago, today this has been overshadowed. Last month wheat traded on the LIFFE futures market at a considerable £170 (€214) to £175 (€220) a tonne, a figure that had almost doubled on the previous year. The nearby price on LIFFE in April 2007 saw figures for wheat of £95-£100 per tonne. Reports from across the globe this week attest to the impact of such rising costs on bread. Pakistani paper Daily Times reports that people on Monday complained that bakers (naanwallahs) and hotel managers are overcharging for bread though the flour price has not been increased.?? According to the report, the Islamabad administration managed to convince flourmill owners not to increase flour price from Rs 365 per 20 kg after a week of discussions. Food department officials told Daily Times that flour supply had been resumed in Islamabad and Rawalpindi.?? Elsewhere, Zimbabwean newspaper Financial Gazette writes this week that a shortage of bread is expected to intensify this week amid reports that the country's wheat stocks have been depleted. According to the report, sources in the industry said wheat stocks had run out, with the country holding about 1000 tonnes in transit to the state granary. The country has weekly wheat consumption levels of 7 500 tonnes. And in Europe, a recent Reuters report reveals that the iconic French baguette now costs between 5 and 8 per cent more than last year in Paris, according to Jacques Mabille, head of the Parisian bakers group. The article also cites Joseph Nicot, head of the French millers group, who said that flour prices, that account for 15 per cent of the baguette's total costs, have gained 20 to 25 per cent in the last year. In South Africa, local newspaper The Times claims prices for bread have rocketed this month.“繼4月份切片麵包價格和5月份保持不變之後,零售商本月提高了價格,其中一些上漲了1.6蘭特以上,有一次上漲了30%。”報紙報道。《泰晤士報》購物車裏的所有四家食品零售商都提高了麵包的價格,其中兩家提高了一蘭特以上,該報補充道。








Valio | 20-Sep-2022 |應用說明




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