雀巢公司董事長包必達,大聲呼籲歐洲重新評估其通用政策協助打擊食品供應減少和不斷飆升的大宗商品價格。他並不是唯一一個食品行業的假發采取這一立場。伊恩·弗格森Tate & Lyle主席和英國食品和飲料的聯盟一直是通用汽車的擁護者,希望促進公平辯論迅速發展的技術。上周輪到政治家。英國首相戈登•布朗(Gordon Brown)說,英國應該加強其通用認可,鼓勵飼料出口的零容忍,目前看到整個批次包含通用材料發回的痕跡。在歐洲層麵上,成員國之間意見不一致,導致不一致和緩慢的審批流程。雖然有些冰雹通用答案,目前決定某些通用材料被一些國家不支持。自從十年前第一次批準轉基因玉米,還有國家拒絕成長,它仍然是唯一的作物種植在歐洲。歐洲被指控違反國際貿易規則的結果,後一個案例帶來的主要轉基因生產商阿根廷、加拿大和美國向世界貿易組織聲稱他們的農民失去數百萬因為下歐盟。歐洲是一個最後期限遵守貿易義務。 This deadline has still not been met. Furthermore, while research is leading to a second generation of GM crops with improved functionality, first generation GM products are still meeting barriers. There is currently a backlog of 30 or 40 products waiting for approval in Europe. As big businesses have been renowned for holding sway with politicians in the past, it remains to be seen whether growing industry support could affect decisions in the GM arena - stepping up approval processing and bringing countries in line. However, at the same time, consumers hold sway with food companies. And at the moment, consumers are erring on the side of caution. Studies have found genetic modification leads to higher yields, which in turn could feed the world and bring down food prices, GM supporters say. It's a valid and convincing argument. Yet the counter argument seems just as strong. Green campaigners cite equally compelling studies that show GM does not lead to higher yields at all. In fact, some studies show they do quite the opposite. Additionally, while areas such the US and Asia Pacific have more fully embraced the use GM without suffering any health or environmental problems so far, there are fears the long term effects will not be seen for decades. No wonder consumers remain confused and cautious. Some GM detractors say it is not even a question of there not being enough food being produced to feed the world. What needs to change is the nature of the food economy. Yet, like it or loathe it, GM是現在一個高度複雜的食品經濟的一部分。而爭論似乎已經達到一個僵局,雙方都認為他們令人信服,很明顯這不是一個問題,就會消失,我們需要繼續前進。現在需要的是一種妥協,接受通用汽車可以持有一些答案,但它並不是唯一的解決全球糧食危機,並且必須小心進展和一直受到監視。總精神阻止任何可能的好處來自通用汽車不是有用的,並可能導致嬰兒被丟棄的洗澡水。與此同時,企業必須小心不要現在通用汽車作為靈丹妙藥。這樣做會有損於影響供應的其他問題,迫切需要解決,比如解決貿易不平等,可以打開他們的指控將廉價和豐富的原材料之前,消費者的利益。勞拉·克羅利是個記者專門從事食品行業,新聞學碩士。如果你想要評論這篇文章,請電郵laura.crowley特'decisionnews.com。