



上周,美國兒科學會(AAP)宣布建議開降膽固醇的他汀類藥物對肥胖兒童8。但處方他汀類藥物對兒童是完全相反的應該正在發生的事。我們不能明智地希望維持八歲的他汀類藥物直到最後的日子。這可能看起來像一個製藥公司贏的情況,但金融,對公眾的健康和倫理的影響不承擔思考。正如老話所說,最好有一個柵欄懸崖的頂部比底部救護車。AAP受到嚴厲批評,這是合理的聲明,現在是時候食物和營養產業說,強調飲食方法的價值。不可能有爭論患有高膽固醇的危險,或血膽甾醇過多給它科學術語。條件與許多疾病,特別是心血管疾病(CVD),大西洋兩岸的頭號殺手。他汀類藥物有一個重要的角色在對抗血膽甾醇過多。事實上,孩子甚至比八個年輕目前隻服用他汀類藥物,但如果他們患有疾病如家族血膽甾醇過多(跳頻)。做廣泛的建議是不明智的一代八歲。 When I first read that AAP was taking such a stance a number of questions jumped to mind. First off, how irresponsible and potentially dangerous is it to prescribe eight year-olds statin drugs? Secondly, have any studies ever been performed to show that this course of action is not only successful but also safe? AAP panel member Dr Nicolas Stettler from the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia said: "We know that in adults, decreasing cholesterol and giving some of those drugs decreases risk of heart disease or death. So there's really no reason to think that would be any different in children." That is not a statement borne of science. One doubts that Dr Stettler will be accountable in 40 years time if something different emerges. The lifestyles of these children have got them into this state; their lifestyle must get them out of it. And that means changing their diet. There is a wealth of dietary approaches to lower cholesterol - we all know about plant sterols, clinically proven to reduce total cholesterol levels by eight to 17 per cent if consumed at a daily amount of 1.5 to 3 grams. Moreover, post-launch monitoring studies report that these do work in real populations. On top of this, there are a number of other avenues available: Oatmeal and beta-glucan from oats have numerous studies backing up their efficacy. Then there is soy, omega-3 rich oils, and even garlic. In addition, a day after the AAP released its statement, we reported on a study from the University of Pennsylvania Health System that found fish oils, red yeast rice and other lifestyle changes may reduce cholesterol levels by the same amount as a daily statin pill - a whopping 42.4 per cent drop in LDL-cholesterol levels was reported. No-one in their right mind can say that dietary avenues do not exist. And no-one can say that these will not work with eight year-olds. Blaming the food industry for the growing obesity epidemic and looking to the pharmaceutical industry to rescue us from impending doom is short-sighted. It also highlights a disturbing misunderstanding of the complexity of obesity. Even if people don't have the same reaction as me, let me explain the economics of it: It's cheaper to build fences than it is to buy ambulances.斯蒂芬·丹尼爾是科學編輯NutraIngredients.com和FoodNavigator.com。他有一個貝爾法斯特女王大學化學博士學位,並在荷蘭和法國的研究工作。如果你想要評論這篇文章,請電郵stephen.daniells特'decisionnews.com


