Pierre Marcolini巧克力精品精品店在倫敦重新開放,新粉彩係列推出了
Pierre Marcolini House的豪華巧克力店宣布,隨著英國的冠狀病毒鎖定限製開始緩解,它將從今天(6月15日)重新開放其在倫敦的Marylebone精品店。
Pierre Marcolini’s counter at Selfridges will also open for business between 10am and 7pm, Monday to Sunday, and a spokesperson says that Harrods will fully re-open its chocolate hall in July - in the meantime Pierre Marcolini’s chocolates will be available from the entrance of the department store.
該公司宣布推出了新的柔和係列,該係列融合了六種與Maison Dark Chocolate使用Cocoa製成的六種獨特食譜,使用來自古巴和喀麥隆的可可。
Maison Pierre Marcolini在包括比利時,法國,英國,摩納哥,日本和中國在內的多個國家擁有40多家商店。