Mars在新聞稿中解釋說,作為刷新的兩位女性M&M的一部分 - 格林女士和布朗女士 - 作為“支持女性的力量,共同投擲光澤而不是陰影”。為此,他們將失去“ MS”,作為他們取消強調性別的使命的一部分。格林將取代她的“穿靴子”,而轉向“涼爽,悠閑的運動鞋”。
- 對品牌的標誌性調色板以及在所有接觸點中使用不同形狀和大小的M&M扁豆的使用增強了重點
- 對AmperSand的另一種強調 - M&M徽標中有獨特的元素,該徽標可以連接兩個MS - 以展示品牌如何將人們聚集在一起
- 更新的語調更具包容性,更熱情和統一,同時還植根於我們的標誌性小醜機智和幽默
“M&M’S has long been committed to creating colourful fun for all, and this purpose serves as a more concrete commitment to what we’ve always believed as a brand: that everyone has the right to enjoy moments of happiness, and fun is the most powerful way to help people feel that they belong火星箭牌首席成長官Cathryn Sleigh說。“作為世界上最具標誌性的糖果品牌之一,他通過增加全球範圍內的歸屬感比M&M更好地致力於一個充滿樂趣的世界?”
提醒M&M's正在趨向於BC趨向於從塔克·卡爾森(Tucker Carlson)到CNN的媒體中的每個人都很高興地伴隨著這種人造爭議的宣傳特技,作為一個煙幕,以掩埋迫在眉睫的火星Co Co Co Co Co Chird Co Co Chird Co Co Chird奴隸製訴訟https://t.co/noaqthz5zb
- Ultralaser(@seandehey)2022年1月22日
更受限製的回應包括亞曆山德拉·佩特裏(Alexandra Petri)在《華盛頓郵報》上的一篇評論文章,當她寫作時,她可能總結了圍繞重塑的真正混亂,“我仍然允許吃它們嗎?因此,火星已決定將M&M Candy Mascots重新命名,以創建“歸屬感和社區的感覺”。綠色女士M&M的性行為將不太定義(我簡直不敢相信我剛剛打字了)。
"The orange M&M will embrace his anxiety; he will also tie his shoelaces now. And the red M&M will bully less. They will also, generally, be defined by ‘personalities, rather than their gender.’ (I’m sorry, I just noticed myself writing the phrase ‘the mascots for M&Ms, lentil-shaped chocolate candies, will be less defined by their gender’ and it is all I can do not to jump into the sea.)
喬納·戈德堡(Jonah Goldberg)在gfile.thedispatch.com上寫道:“這可能是曆史上最成功的營銷活動,但我懷疑您會看到針對任何疏遠和包容的任何測量,因此,這條針頭將其移動。透明
火星努力保持敘述的頂部說:“The iconic candy brand’s announcement is built on more than 80 years of bringing people together with its bite-sized colourful candies and flavours and is part of the evolved M&M’S brand’s strategy built on purpose, which promises to use the power of fun to include everyone, with a goal of increasing the sense of belonging for 10 million people around the world by 2025."