

由安東尼·邁爾斯(Anthony Myers) 接觸

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Despite the government challenging the food industry in 2016 to reduce the overall sugar content of food products that contribute the most sugar to children’s intakes by 20% by 2020, this new shock data further proves that robust measures are now urgently needed to incentivise the food industry to reduce sugar, especially as obesity prevalence among primary school children is increasing, said the authors of the research.

Action on Sugar (based at Queen Mary University of London) and Obesity Health Alliance (an alliance of leading health organisations) claim to have exposed the huge variation in portion size and sugar content of popular ‘on the go’ sweet snacks sold in both retail and Out of Home – showing progress to reduce sugar is floundering.

兩組專家都是40個組織,他們於4月6日致信衛生部長薩吉德·賈維德(Sajid Javid),呼籲政府停止推遲發布最終減少糖的進度報告,並使用即將到來的健康差異白皮書來設定放出減少糖計劃的下一個嚴格步驟。

所述不利於生產越來越含糖產品的食品製造商(整個領域)是這樣的關鍵,建議應包括監管措施,例如將軟飲料行業征收征收到最含糊的食品類別,或者在製造商支付的糖支付的新職責上正如亨利·迪博比(Henry Dimbleby)在他的2021年國家糧食戰略中提出的那樣。


Focusing on the cakes and biscuits categories from the previous sugar reduction report that outlined industry targets and progress to date, the new survey showed many ‘on the go’ single-serve cookies, brownies and doughnuts remain dangerously high in sugar – with Aldi Specially Selected Triple Chocolate cookie (39g sugar per 80g serve) containing up to 10x teaspoons sugar, making it 50% sugar. That’s twice a child’s (aged 4-6) daily limit of sugar and the equivalent of eating 12 custard cream biscuits! This is closely followed by Caffe Nero’s Belgian Chocolate Chip Brownie with a whopping 8 x teaspoons of sugar (31.2g of sugar per 67g serve).

糖行動的董事兼注冊營養學家凱瑟琳·詹納(Katharine Jenner)說:“減少糖計劃的重要證據(或缺乏進步)是故意遠離公眾審查的。但是,從我們的產品調查中可以明顯看出,一種自願進行重新製定方法並未與大多數零售商和咖啡店未能進行任何重大減少。



